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Gaps in COPD Guidelines of Low- and Middle-Income Countries.

Aizhamal Tabyshova MD, John R. Hurst, PhD, Joan B. Soriano MD PhD, William Checkley MD PhD, Erick Wan-Chun Huang MD, Antigona C. Trofor MD PhD, Oscar Flores-Flores MD; Patricia Alupo MD, Gonzalo Gianella MD, Tarana Ferdous MPH, David Meharg MPH, Jennifer Alison PhD, Jaime Correia de Sousa MD PhD, Maarten J. Postma PhD, Niels H. Chavannes MD PhD and Job F. M. van Boven PharmD PhD.

The Role of Health Technologies in Multicomponent Primary Care Interventions: Systematic Review.

Geronimo Jimenez MA, David Matchar M,; Choon Huat Gerald Koh MD PhD, Rianne van der Kleij PhD, Niels H Chavannes MD PhD, Josip Car, MD, PhD.

A multi-stakeholder approach to eHealth development: Promoting sustained healthy living among cardiovascular patients.

Linda D.Breema, Mike Keesman, Douwe E.Atsma, Niels H.Chavannes, Veronica Janssen, Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen, Hareld Kempse, Wessel Kraaij, Fabienne Rauwers, Thomas Reijnders, Wilma Scholte op Reimer, Jobke Wentzel, Roderik A.Kraaijenhagen, Andrea W.M.Evers.

Effecten van het gebruik van het eHealth-platform e-Vita voor COPD-patiƫnten op domeinen van de ziektespecifieke kwaliteit van leven.

Esther P.W.A. Talboom, Marijke S. Holstege, Niels H. Chavannes, Marise J. Kasteleyn.

The design choices for the development of an Augmented Reality game for people with visuospatial neglect.

M.D.J. Bakkera, N. Boonstrab, T.C.W. Nijboerc, M.S. Holstegea, W.P. Achterbergf, N.H. Chavannes

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