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Effecten van het gebruik van het eHealth-platform e-Vita voor COPD-patiƫnten op domeinen van de ziektespecifieke kwaliteit van leven.

Esther P.W.A. Talboom, Marijke S. Holstege, Niels H. Chavannes, Marise J. Kasteleyn.

The design choices for the development of an Augmented Reality game for people with visuospatial neglect.

M.D.J. Bakkera, N. Boonstrab, T.C.W. Nijboerc, M.S. Holstegea, W.P. Achterbergf, N.H. Chavannes

Development and evaluation of an eHealthself-management intervention for patientswith chronic kidney disease in China:protocol for a mixed-method hybrid type 2 trial.

Hongxia Shen, Rianne van der Kleij, Paul J. M. van der Boog, Xiaoyue Song, Wenjiao Wang , Tongtong Zhang , Zhengyan Li , Xiaoping Lou, Niels Chavannes

Development and evaluation of an eHealthself-management intervention for patientswith chronic kidney disease in China:protocol for a mixed-method hybrid type 2 trial.

Hongxia Shen, Rianne van der Kleij, Paul J. M. van der Boog, Xiaoyue Song1,5, Wenjiao Wang, Tongtong Zhang2, Zhengyan Li, Xiaoping Lou and Niels Chavannes

The design choices for the development of an Augmented Reality game for people with visuospatial neglect.

Matthijs Bakker, Nynke Boonstra, Tanja Nijboer, Marije Holstege, Wilco Achterberg, Niels Chavannes.