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About well

The vision of WeLL ( World eHealth Living Lab)

The World eHealth Living Lab (WeLL) mission is to validate, develop and implement person-driven healthcare with more responsibility for citizen and patient, who is a conscious (healthcare) consumer and is well educated in their own health. ​

Digital tools offer the individual more self-reliance, autonomy and freedom. Care is delivered within a citizen- or patient-centered health pathway that is integrated across care echelons, with the employer perspective and the social domain. ​In this way, we help enable care that remains accessible, affordable and feasible for everyone, everywhere.

WeLL is forging a global collaborative community of healthcare professionals, the business community, and public organisations to share knowledge and experience. Ultimately, we aim to form cooperative links in which WeLL, NeLL (the Dutch section of WeLL) and partners to initiate scientific projects on digital healthcare applications.

The role of eHealth

eHealth, e.g. digital health solutions,  will play a significant role in the care of tomorrow. But it will only be successful when fully integrated into mainstream care. WeLL aims to realise scientifically-proven, effective eHealth applications to become a fully-integrated part of healthcare and upscale these tools. At WeLL, we consider co-creation (with the end user-patient and healthcare provider) essential in developing practical new healthcare applications.

Definition of eHealth -  The use of information- and communication technologies, especially internet technology, to support or promote health and healthcare. eHealth includes many applications, from digital nutrition diaries for diabetes to artificial intelligence in intensive care.

WeLL activities and areas of collaboration

WeLL partners

All international universities and companies developing and researching eHealth applications for effectiveness and implementation are welcome to join the WeLL network as a partner.

Please contact Cynthia Hallensleben if you would like to become a WeLL partner.

WeLL fellows

WeLL fellows are invited people who are directly involved in WeLL. For example, an international PhD student who, after completing their PhD at the Dutch National eHealth Living Lab (NeLL), continues to work on joint projects from their home country. But also a university or specific professor with whom we regularly collaborate, or international private clients of whom WeLL is the scientific partner.

WeLL fellows are part of the WeLL international think tank and are asked to serve as an advisory board about the further development of WeLL. We organise a virtual event twice a year where several of our NeLL employees and the WeLL fellows present cases and introduce discussion topics.