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Kyrgyz State Medical Academy


I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (KSMA) is a leading higher medical institution in the Kyrgyz Republic with more than 75 years of history. All these years, the flagship of medical education in Kyrgyzstan underwent a glorious path of development. Today, our Academy is one of the leading medical universities in Central Asia, having a perfect reputation for training highly qualified doctors. We are well known in many countries of the world through the scientific and practical achievements of our graduates working in almost all corners of the globe.

The education quality ensuring policy of the I. K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (KSMA) was developed based on the analysis of  the implementation of  the previous Development Strategy of KSMA (2010-2020), new tasks  set  by the "National  Development Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2018-2040" (Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic dated December 20, 2018 № 600), the Program of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on protection of  public health and development of health care system for  2019-2030  "Healthy person - prosperous country" (approved  by the Decree of the President of  the  Kyrgyz  Republic dated  31.10.2018  № 221), the draft "Education  Development  Strategy in the Kyrgyz  Republic for 2021-2040" and the  Agenda for Sustainable  Development until 2030 adopted by UN member states  in  2015  and  reflects the needs of all stakeholders, the Kyrgyz Republic and the global community in general.

Education quality ensuring policy of KSMA for  the  period from 2021 to  2030  was adopted  after extensive discussion  with faculty and staff of KSMA, the student community, representatives of practical health care and other stakeholders at public meetings of the Council on Quality of  Education (18.11.2020), Rector Council (08.01.2021), Academic Council 29.01.2021..

In order to ensure the system of education quality assurance, the Education Quality Assurance Policy of KSMA includes Mission, Vision, Goals, "KSMA Development Strategy for 2021-2030", "Action Plan to Implement KSMA Development Strategy for 2021-2030", Quality Management System (QMS), as well as educational goals and learning outcomes (graduate competency catalogs).

KSMA MISSION as the flagship of medical education and science in the Kyrgyz Republic is to improve the health and quality of life of the population, meeting the needs of society and the individual in the intellectual, cultural and moral development through quality and continuous training of medical and pharmaceutical personnel, based on the inseparable unity of the educational process, research and clinical practice in accordance with the challenges of the XXI century.


KSMA is a state medical university of research and innovation type, one of the leading centers of medical education and science in the Asian region, comparable with the leading medical universities of the world

KSMA is a university with advanced training of medical and pharmaceutical personnel based on the integration of educational process, basic scientific research and innovative approaches

KSMA is a university of innovative education, providing new results, education of competitive, socially responsible, initiative and competent specialists for innovative development of medicine and society.
